

Tool and Languages

Functional Requirements:

  1. A system must have authentication like admin, user, and visitor.
  2. A system should add, modify and deleted the product.
  3. A system should charge the customer for the service when a certain action is completed.
  4. A system should be able to create an account, modify and delete it.
  5. A system should be able to maintain employee details which includes add, view, and delete actions.
  6. A system should maintain customer details such as name, phone no, address and last order date, number of order etc.
  7. A system should be able to store the order details such as place order, view order and modify order status.
  8. A system needs to print the bill and store it for audit trail.
  9. A system must be able to be search and sort item according to the user preference or product catagory.
  10. A system should recived feedback from the customer.

Non-Functional Requirements:

  1. Usability - Should be user friendly.
  2. Reliability - The system should be available to users for a certain time schedule.
  3. Scalability - How fast does the system return results and how much will this performance change with higher workloads.
  4. Maintainability - System should be easy to maintain and cost effective.
  5. Security - The system and its data must be protected against attack. ** confuse to implementation.


Home Page localhost_cafe_shop_home php

About Page localhost_cafe_shop_about php (1)

Menu Page localhost_cafe_shop_menu php

Contact Page localhost_cafe_shop_contact php

Registration Page localhost_cafe_shop_register php

Order Page localhost_cafe_shop_orders php

Cart Page localhost_cafe_shop_cart php

Check Out page localhost_cafe_shop_checkout php

Admin Login page localhost_cafe_shop_admin_admin_login php

Admin Dashboard localhost_cafe_shop_admin_dashboard php

Admin Product Management localhost_cafe_shop_admin_products php

Admin Order Management localhost_cafe_shop_employee_placed_orders php

Employee Dashboard localhost_cafe_shop_employee_employee_dashboard php


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