- XAMPP Control Panel
- JavaSript
- A system must have authentication like admin, user, and visitor.
- A system should add, modify and deleted the product.
- A system should charge the customer for the service when a certain action is completed.
- A system should be able to create an account, modify and delete it.
- A system should be able to maintain employee details which includes add, view, and delete actions.
- A system should maintain customer details such as name, phone no, address and last order date, number of order etc.
- A system should be able to store the order details such as place order, view order and modify order status.
- A system needs to print the bill and store it for audit trail.
- A system must be able to be search and sort item according to the user preference or product catagory.
- A system should recived feedback from the customer.
- Usability - Should be user friendly.
- Reliability - The system should be available to users for a certain time schedule.
- Scalability - How fast does the system return results and how much will this performance change with higher workloads.
- Maintainability - System should be easy to maintain and cost effective.
- Security - The system and its data must be protected against attack. ** confuse to implementation.
Home Page
About Page
Menu Page
Contact Page
Registration Page
Order Page
Cart Page
Check Out page
Admin Login page
Admin Dashboard
Admin Product Management
Admin Order Management
Employee Dashboard
- Install XAMPP Control Panel app
- Open XAMPP Control Panel app
- Start Apachee and mySQL
- Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
- create new db as a name food_bd then run sql script name food_db.sql
- run sql script name fdata.sql
- pull this git into C:\xampp\htdocs folder
- go to http://localhost/cafe_shop
- Mohsenul Kabir Mithun
- Kazi Sifat Al Maksud
- Mujahidul Islam
- Md. Asif Imtiyaj Chowdhury